Know a Series Traitor? This is the Netflix Plugin You Need

stranger things 2

This Netflix Plugin for Google Chrome Lets You Watch With Your Friends

With the release of Stranger Things 2 last week, a lot of loyalties were tested. People who’d promised their loved ones or friends they’d watch together could hardly resist the pull of the new series. Prior commitments and distance meant that some people couldn’t sit and watch the series together. Tensions mounted, and then, we found this Netflix plugin, and all our prayers were answered. Relationships were saved, as no matter where you were in the world, as long as you had a computer, you could watch things together at the exact same time.

Showgoers is a Netflix plugin for Google Chrome. For those times when distance or commitments pull you apart, Showgoers is the answer. The plugin is a Chrome extension that lets you watch Netflix online with your friends. There’s also an instant messaging system so you can chat while you watch. No more texting your thoughts and missing valuable screen time. Instead, use the messaging app and keep your eyes firmly glued to your computer screen.

netflix plugin watching party

To watch your selected programme in unison, you must start a “watching party”. It’s really easy, all you need to do is share the URL. Then the other people who you want to watch with paste the URL in their search bar. The watching party begins! All members of the watching party must have a valid Netflix account. Regional restrictions apply.

Watching Netflix together at the exact same time means no spoilers! Great for when you’ve been waiting patiently for a new episode or series. With Showgoers, the appeal comes from the features. Not only are you all watching the same programme at the exact same time, you can also pause, rewind or skip sections and everybody else will see the same thing as you. Perfect for if somebody needs to pop away from their screen and don’t want to fall behind. However, if you’re pausing a tense episode a little too much, we can’t promise it will go down well…

showgoers netflix plugin

Even if you’re lonely and your friends aren’t into the same programmes as you, there’s still hope. This Netflix plugin allows you to join public streaming parties too. Watch a movie or show with other people who share the same taste as you! Then use the built-in messaging service to chat about your favourite parts, and potentially make some watching pals for life.

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One Response

  1. Thanks for sharing such a nice article about Netflix Plugin. Keep up the good work mate. Love the way you write this article, especially your writing style and theme. Once again thanks for sharing this plugin with us. Keep up the good work mate.

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