Get Ready for Google AI To Run Your Life and Book Your Hair Appointments

Google AI

Google AI

Google’s AI is booking hair appointments? We know that we’re a little late to the party on this one. However, being an expert-search company, we couldn’t let this amazing moment pass without comment. For those of you who have no idea what we’re talking about, check out this amazing clip.

This new facility is a feature of Google AI Assistant. As you can see from the video, which was taken at the I/O show at the beginning of May, this technology has what it takes to interact with humans in a dynamic, workable context.

Underpinning this new advancement is Google’s Duplex technology. According to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, this has been in development now for many years and has the ability now to book restaurant tables, make hair and beauty appointments and even arrange a doctor’s visit.

At the moment the system is expected to work in tandem with a human operator, with the machine AI handing over the call as soon as it encounters an eventuality that sits outside its heuristic understanding.

Google AIThe buzz created around the internet in response to this new advancement was nothing short of deafening at the time. From questions and news articles, through to the predictable parodies and lampoons on social media and YouTube, the reaction was both vast and global. Naturally much of the critique came not of the software itself, but rather on the implications on the medium of human interaction.

Will this new software system be a success? And more importantly, will humanity actually accept the functionality?

Remember, that Google doesn’t slam dunk the future every time. Google Glass, one of the company’s greatest mistakes has been brushed under the carpet like it never happened. This visual system was set to record all of our interactions, allowing users to create next to real life content. The trouble was, people on the other end of the system felt it was too intrusive.

Google AI

For many small-business owners, shop-keepers and service providers, talking to their customers and providing added value is an essential facet to the service. Not every business operates with a set of standard out-of-the-box services, and this may be Google’s miscalculation. People may find themselves moved down the list in favour of personal bookings. After all, as the saying goes, people do business with people.

Who can predict how these development like Google Assistant will shape the future? And more importantly how both customers and services will react to automated voice services. A decisive factor may come down to the sophistication of the robot responses. One recent TV smash that has asked these important questions is the massively successful Westworld, which has pushed the point that if we as humanity cannot tell the different between automated systems and human responses, will we actually care?

As we stand on the edge of the future, with technology now accelerating at a faster rate than ever before, these truly are the days of miracles and wonder. Regardless of what happens, if we approach these coming inventions with a spirit of optimism and positivity then we can be sure that that our essential humanity will not fail to make the very best of things.

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